In the classrooms, there are blackboards permanently installed on the wall, which are only wiped dry. The visibility of the writing is correspondingly poor. In addition, there are two oblong desks and only simple desks to the left and right of the desks.

Thanks to donations, a teacher’s desk with chair, a wall clock and a classroom shelf were purchased for each classroom. This equipment is made by local craftsmen in Kampala. In this way, the local economy is also supported.

In addition, two classroom libraries have already been donated.

So far, there is no extra teachers’ room or materials room. There is no material or equipment for music and art. There are also no textbooks for the pupils’ hands yet. Only the teacher has a copy for lesson preparation. Three more classroom libraries are urgently needed so that the children can practice reading. However, the children have exercise books for some subjects. Writing is done exclusively with a pencil. However, the exercise books are usually in poor condition, as the still omnipresent red dust covers everything in no time.
Also, the floors are not yet paved and the walls are not plastered.