At the time of my stay in Uganda (Febr. 2020) only the 1st building section shown in the picture was finished and in operation. Windows and doors are still missing. The rooms do not yet have (cement) floors and are not plastered.
At the beginning of 2021, during the Corona school break, the previously existing part of the building on the left was completed with an adjoining building – see also building planning! The bricks used for this were made on the school railing while I was in Uganda!


A teacher’s room and another classroom for the fifth grade, P5, are to be accommodated in this part of the building.

School director Saad Luyinda recently wrote me that the next focus in building development will be the nursery area. The Ugandan government has drawn up detailed guidelines for the nursery area. The space available is a very important component due to the corona pandemic. So it is very important to build another building for the nursery area as quickly as possible!

The extension to the first, existing building section is being tackled.